[OpenAFS-devel] clang analyzer buildbot
Michael Meffie
2018-05-23 20:11:24 UTC
Hello All,

During the hallway track at HEPiX 2018, Patrick Riehecky suggested we
could run the clang static analyzer against the OpenAFS with the easy
to use scan-build tool. Patrick runs scan-build from time to time, and
we though it would be useful to do this nightly on the openafs.org
buildbot, so I've set up contrib builder on ubuntu 18.04 to run
scan-build nightly.

The buildbot waterfall has been configured to provide a link to the
reports generated. See the 'scan-build' builder on the builbot.openafs.org:


Instead of uploading the reports to the master, the reports are saved in
afs and are available via http:


The reports are available for 30 days (an arbitrary time) just to limit
the amount of disk space used for these.

Currently, the scans are running against the master branch only. Other
branches could be added if desired. In addition to the scheduled
nightly scans, those with a buildbot account can trigger scans of
arbitrary gerrits as well.

Thanks to Patrick for the suggestion.

Best regards,
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>
Garrett Wollman
2018-05-24 19:47:56 UTC
Post by Michael Meffie
During the hallway track at HEPiX 2018, Patrick Riehecky suggested we
could run the clang static analyzer against the OpenAFS with the easy
to use scan-build tool. Patrick runs scan-build from time to time, and
we though it would be useful to do this nightly on the openafs.org
buildbot, so I've set up contrib builder on ubuntu 18.04 to run
scan-build nightly.
I used to run this (a few years back) on a cron job but nobody at the
time seemed interested so I killed it. Glad there's more interest in
this sort of code analysis now; I know it helped me find a bunch of
bugs (the fixes for which are in the recently released 1.18 branch).

