[OpenAFS-devel] OpenAFS release team weekly meeting
Michael Meffie
2018-04-11 18:23:59 UTC
OpenAFS release team weekly meeting

Date: April 06, 2018
* Stephan Wiesand (Release Manager 1.6)
* Michael Meffie
* Ben Kaduk
* Marcio Barbosa

The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at

Recent issues/news

1.6.x stable series

Steady progress on pullups for 1.6.23.

Remaining candidates for 1.6.23pre1


12818 redhat: separate debuginfo package for kmod rpm
12658 redhat: fix rpmbuild command line option defaults
12985 Add param.h files for recent FreeBSD
12975 Avoid gcc warning
12971 LINUX: fix RedHat 7.5 ENOTDIR issues
12970 libafs/LINUX: update file pos in corrupt dir fix
12928 CellServDB update 14 Mar 2017
12929 rx: Do not count RXGEN_OPCODE towards abort threshold
12895 Make OpenAFS 1.6.23pre1

Candidates on 1.8.x which maybe be pulled up to 1.6.x:

12986 redhat: Create unique debuginfo packages for kmods
12997 FBSD: param.h consistency
12902 autoconf: detect ctf-tools and add ctf to libafs

1.8.x series

The debian package builds for 1.8.0-final for a final round
of testing.


Patches to squash warnings under Solaris Studio continue to be submitted to

Additional autoconf cleanups have been submitted by Marcio Barbosa. Peter
Foley's patches should be rebased and reconciled with Marcio's.

Recently merged

12977: redhat: Create unique debuginfo packages for kmods
12981: autoconf: remove check for lorder
12990: FBSD: param.h consistency
12964: Remove warning "find_preferred_connection: no connection and !create"
12995: redhat: remove extra kernel version check
12996: redhat: remove the openafs-kernel-version.sh script
13003: autoconf: remove more linux 2.4 references
13004: autoconf: remove uss from configure summary
13005: autoconf: add kernel module to the summary
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>
Michael Meffie
2018-04-13 15:17:56 UTC
OpenAFS release team weekly meeting

Date: April 13, 2018
* Stephan Wiesand (Release Manager 1.6)
* Ben Kaduk
* Michael Meffie
* Mark Vitale

The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at

Recent issues/news

* OpenAFS 1.8.0 released

* RHEL 7.5 has been released; A fix for the directory lookup issue is
available in 1.8.0 and a patch for the 1.6.x is available (a release
containing that patch is expected next week).

1.6.x stable series
-------- is being prepared to address the RHEL 7.5 directory lookup issues.
Expected to be made available next week.

13012 LINUX: fix RedHat 7.5 ENOTDIR issues
13013 Update NEWS for
13009 Make OpenAFS


Steady progress on pullups for 1.6.23. Remaining candidates for 1.6.23pre1
(gerrit topic:1.6.23)

12929 rx: Do not count RXGEN_OPCODE towards abort threshold
12928 CellServDB update 14 Mar 2017
12985 Add param.h files for recent FreeBSD
12818 redhat: separate debuginfo package for kmod rpm
12658 redhat: fix rpmbuild command line option defaults
12975 Avoid gcc warning
12895 Make OpenAFS 1.6.23pre1

Candidates on 1.8.x which maybe be pulled up to 1.6.x:

12986 redhat: Create unique debuginfo packages for kmods
12997 FBSD: param.h consistency
12902 autoconf: detect ctf-tools and add ctf to libafs

1.8.x series

OpenAFS 1.8.0 release is available, thanks to the efforts of many people over
the last six years.


Recently merged

13003 autoconf: remove more linux 2.4 references
13004 autoconf: remove uss from configure summary
13005 autoconf: add kernel module to the summary
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>