[OpenAFS-devel] OpenAFS release team weekly meeting
Michael Meffie
2018-02-08 18:42:21 UTC
OpenAFS release team weekly meeting

Date: Feb 02, 2018
* Stephan Wiesand (Release Manager 1.6)
* Ben Kaduk (Release Manager 1.8)
* Michael Meffie
* Marcio Barbosa

The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at

General News

Stephan has volunteered to be the Release Manager of the 1.8.x stable
branch when it becomes available. Thank you Stephan.

Ben has been selected for a two-year term as one of the IETF Security
Area Directors. This unfortunately means Ben will have less time to dedicate
to OpenAFS. Congratulations to Ben on his appointment.

1.6.x stable series

OpenAFS was released last week.


Commits being merged to the openafs-stable-1_6_x branch by Stephan in
anticipation of the 1.6.23pre1 release.

Candidates for 1.6.23 are gerrits >= 12645 listed under


1.8.x series

Mike to backport changes for pre5.
Mike to write NEWS file for pre5.


Recently merged on master:

12247 SOLARIS: Avoid vcache locks when flushing pages for RO vnodes
12680 autoconf: detect ctf-tools and add ctf to libafs
12798 SOLARIS: save kernel module function arguments for debugging
12863 Add param.h files for recent FreeBSD
12880 CellServDB update 14 Mar 2017
12882 add rfc3961.h to kernel sources
12884 Add .gitreview

Review discussions

11940 Add support for arm64_linux26
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>
Michael Meffie
2018-02-12 18:44:37 UTC
OpenAFS release team weekly meeting

Date: Feb 09, 2018
* Stephan Wiesand (Release Manager 1.6)
* Ben Kaduk (Release Manager 1.8)
* Michael Meffie
* Marcio Barbosa
* Mark Vitale

The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at

Recent issues

1. RedHat 7.5 beta issues have been reported by sites testing rhel 7.5
beta. Mark V to continue investigation.

2. Harmut posted an issue found while testing 1.8.0pre4 and a patch for
ubik. (After the meeting Ben pushed the patch to gerrit 12905 ubik:
avoid labeling a database "0.0")

1.6.x stable series


12886 ubik: check if epoch is sane before db relabel
- Require backport to 1.6.x
- Blocking 1.6.23pre1 release

12896 ubik: avoid DISK_Begin on sites that didn't vote for syn
- Require backport to 1.6.x
- Blocking 1.6.23pre1 release

12328 Linux: Drop PageReclaim AOP_WRITEPAGE_ACTIVATE case
- Requires reviews or will be abandoned for the 1.6.x branch.

12864 rx: rxi_ReceiveDataPacket do not set rprev on drop
- Requires reviews

12818 redhat: separate debuginfo package for kmod rpm
- Requires additional +1s in gerrit

12684..7 vldb cache timeout option (-volume-ttl)
- Requires additional +1s in gerrit

12667 afs: fix afs_xserver deadlock in afsdb refresh
- Requires additional +1s in gerrit

1.8.x series

Patches targeting 1.8.0pre5 have been merged on the
openafs-stable-1_8_x branch.

Mike to write NEWS file for pre5. (Submitted after the meeting).


Review discussions:

rxgk patches:
- Discussion about CLEAR and AUTH levels.
- Does it makes sense to implement the CLEAR and AUTH levels,
especially with no way to configure what mode is enabled.
- Ben thinks it's pretty clear that it doesn't make sense to
have the code with no way to enable it other than recompiling,
so it's a question of do we remove the code or do we add a
knob to allow the less-protected data.

Recently merged:

4f7550d Add support for arm64_linux26
b792dea hcrypto: Avoid 'double' param in arm64 kernel code
0a896b9 Do not set default AFS_SYSCALL
ed513bb Do not require AFS_SYSCALL
f5794e0 util: Add the AFS_STRINGIZE() macro
32d0493 SOLARIS: save kernel module function arguments for debugging
88cb536 autoconf: detect ctf-tools and add ctf to libafs
c7c71d2 Add .gitreview
5e09a69 SOLARIS: Avoid vcache locks when flushing pages for RO vnodes

New patches:

12905 ubik: avoid labeling a database "0.0"
12906 rx: Do not count RXGEN_OPCODE towards abort threshold
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>
Michael Meffie
2018-02-17 16:25:30 UTC
OpenAFS release team weekly meeting

Date: Feb 16, 2018
* Stephan Wiesand (Release Manager 1.6)
* Ben Kaduk (Release Manager 1.8)
* Michael Meffie
* Marcio Barbosa

The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at

Recent issues/news

1. RedHat 7.5 beta issues are still being investigated.
2. Linux 4.16rc1 has been issued without any known problems for us.

1.6.x stable series


Most gerrits for 1.6.23 have been reviewed. Thank you to those that provided
reviews and comments.

Review comments on the rpm spec file changes and afsd -volume-ttl feature are
to be addressed. One of the ubik changes requires a rebase (the commits are
currently not in the correct order in gerrit). Stephan will rebase the commits
and begin merging approved gerrits to the openafs-stable-1_6_x branch.

Stephan asked about to gerrits on master related to ubik changes: 12283 and 12290
Marcio to follow up.

1.8.x series

More NEWS file updates for pre5 (Ben)

Ben has held off on issuing pre5 to get some more input on whether 12906 and/or
12905 merit inclusion.

The consensus is 12906 (ubik: avoid labeling a database "0.0") is not a
regression, is not specific to 1.8.x, and is not related to the other recent
ubik changes, so should not block 1.8.0pre5 while work continues on that fix.

The consensus is pre5 will be announced as a release candidate.


Recently merged:

12911 RHEL: Add aarch64/arm64 to spec file
12909 doc: Edits to the 'afsd -volume-ttl' manpage
12908 rxdebug: NUL-terminate version before printing
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>