Michael Meffie
2018-08-17 15:30:19 UTC
OpenAFS release team weekly meeting
Date: August 17, 2018
* Ben Kaduk
* Michael Meffie
* Mark Vitale
The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at
1.6.x series
More cache-bypass bugs have been reported in GCO RT 134641.
Mark V to investigate.
Gerrits to be reviewed:
13279 Update NEWS for 1.6.23pre1
12895 Make OpenAFS 1.6.23pre1
1.8.x series
Joe G reports success testing on linux 4.18 with openafs 1.8.1 plus the time64 change:
13268 LINUX: Update to Linux struct iattr->ia_ctime to timespec64 with 4.18
The current batch of changes to fix warning messages while
compiling under solaris have been merged.
The following patch should be made a priority:
12942 CVS-2018-7168 RXAFS_StoreACL deprecate 134 introduce 164
The static analysis patches from Pat should be reviewed next:
13208 Resolve possible memory leaks
13207 afs: test condition mismatch resolved
13206 localtime can return NULL if unable to read system clock
13196 Add checks to ensure *alloc was successful
13175 Resolve a few dereference of null pointer issues
13171 Resolve use of uninitialized vars.
13163 strlcpy restricted to array length.
13162 afsweb: possible array overrun
13161 afsmonitor: avoid possible double free
13158 Fix static expressions in conditionals
13157 Correct some redundant if() clauses
13156 If realloc() == NULL we lost the pointer to old memory
13155 Resolve missing printf args
13154 Close files when completed
13136 Prevent sscanf format widths from overrunning array
13135 fix fprintf conversion specifiers
13133 bucoord: avoid memory leaks on early returns from bc_Restorer
13089 Fix possible memory leaks
13085 Set defaults for complex if statements
Linux rc daily builders are still green.
Testing of the new buildbot 1.x master continues. The gerrit verification
seems to have stopped after the recent master.cfg changes to fix warning
messages in the twistd.log file. Mike M to investigate.
Merged changes to backport policy on wiki.openafs.org.
Recently submitted for branch 'openafs-stable-1_6_x':
13279 Update NEWS for 1.6.23pre1
Recently merged onto branch 'master':
13010 de43a0f88 Suppress statement not reached warnings after noreturn functions
13008 b7e9a9b28 lwp: add missing lwp prototypes for solaris
12991 ae4ad509d rx: fix rx_atomic warnings under Solaris
13277 3915911bc afs: declare nfs translator dispatch functions static
12989 f8672d0c0 afs: use void * for generic pointers in the nfs translator dispatcher
12988 dc2141bf5 afs: change afs_nfs{2,3}_dispatcher signature
12987 e7678fb5f afs: fix missing afs_nfs3_dispatcher return value
12961 388eaec34 roken: do not clobber __attribute__
13237 1711917e7 autoconf: Split out krb5/gss tests
12982 9d3ef9337 autoconf: do not reference the missing script
12203 a9644daa9 Remove obsolete retsigtype
13125 451602a5e autoconf: reformat long lines
12202 2e23fceec autoconf: autoupdate macros
13021 f9c584a79 autoconf: update curses.m4
13018 c5def62d7 autoconf: update pthread checks
12199 4706854f5 autoconf: updates and cleanup
Date: August 17, 2018
* Ben Kaduk
* Michael Meffie
* Mark Vitale
The weekly release team meetings are held on Fridays at 14:00 GMT on jabber
(xmpp) in release-***@conference.openafs.org. Please request login
information if you would like to participate. Logs are available at
1.6.x series
More cache-bypass bugs have been reported in GCO RT 134641.
Mark V to investigate.
Gerrits to be reviewed:
13279 Update NEWS for 1.6.23pre1
12895 Make OpenAFS 1.6.23pre1
1.8.x series
Joe G reports success testing on linux 4.18 with openafs 1.8.1 plus the time64 change:
13268 LINUX: Update to Linux struct iattr->ia_ctime to timespec64 with 4.18
The current batch of changes to fix warning messages while
compiling under solaris have been merged.
The following patch should be made a priority:
12942 CVS-2018-7168 RXAFS_StoreACL deprecate 134 introduce 164
The static analysis patches from Pat should be reviewed next:
13208 Resolve possible memory leaks
13207 afs: test condition mismatch resolved
13206 localtime can return NULL if unable to read system clock
13196 Add checks to ensure *alloc was successful
13175 Resolve a few dereference of null pointer issues
13171 Resolve use of uninitialized vars.
13163 strlcpy restricted to array length.
13162 afsweb: possible array overrun
13161 afsmonitor: avoid possible double free
13158 Fix static expressions in conditionals
13157 Correct some redundant if() clauses
13156 If realloc() == NULL we lost the pointer to old memory
13155 Resolve missing printf args
13154 Close files when completed
13136 Prevent sscanf format widths from overrunning array
13135 fix fprintf conversion specifiers
13133 bucoord: avoid memory leaks on early returns from bc_Restorer
13089 Fix possible memory leaks
13085 Set defaults for complex if statements
Linux rc daily builders are still green.
Testing of the new buildbot 1.x master continues. The gerrit verification
seems to have stopped after the recent master.cfg changes to fix warning
messages in the twistd.log file. Mike M to investigate.
Merged changes to backport policy on wiki.openafs.org.
Recently submitted for branch 'openafs-stable-1_6_x':
13279 Update NEWS for 1.6.23pre1
Recently merged onto branch 'master':
13010 de43a0f88 Suppress statement not reached warnings after noreturn functions
13008 b7e9a9b28 lwp: add missing lwp prototypes for solaris
12991 ae4ad509d rx: fix rx_atomic warnings under Solaris
13277 3915911bc afs: declare nfs translator dispatch functions static
12989 f8672d0c0 afs: use void * for generic pointers in the nfs translator dispatcher
12988 dc2141bf5 afs: change afs_nfs{2,3}_dispatcher signature
12987 e7678fb5f afs: fix missing afs_nfs3_dispatcher return value
12961 388eaec34 roken: do not clobber __attribute__
13237 1711917e7 autoconf: Split out krb5/gss tests
12982 9d3ef9337 autoconf: do not reference the missing script
12203 a9644daa9 Remove obsolete retsigtype
13125 451602a5e autoconf: reformat long lines
12202 2e23fceec autoconf: autoupdate macros
13021 f9c584a79 autoconf: update curses.m4
13018 c5def62d7 autoconf: update pthread checks
12199 4706854f5 autoconf: updates and cleanup
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>
Michael Meffie <***@sinenomine.net>